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Trauma, Loss & Grief

Providing Therapy for Trauma,  Grief, and Loss to the Chicagoland area and throughout Illinois

"I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become"


Carl Jung

Something bad happened.

Maybe you lost someone or something important to you. Or you may be grappling with a life of hurt. Perhaps the people who were supposed to keep you safe as a child did not always succeed?

Maybe you recently experienced something really scary and you can’t get it out of your head.  

Whether your traumatic experiences, losses, or feelings of grief are old or new you are in the right place to begin your journey towards healing.

We are here to help you find healing and resilience. 

Experiencing a loss or a trauma can often feel as if the rug has been pulled out from under your feet. In cases of prolonged or complex trauma you may feel as if you have never found your feet and have simply been struggling to get through each day for as long as you can remember. Together we will help you find your footing. The therapy process will help you understand, accept, and incorporate past pain into your life in a way that allows you to move forward and live more fully in the present. 

Our approach for treating trauma, loss and grief involves a blend of psychodynamic and humanistic approaches. Therapy will typically involves the following stages:

  • Building Trust: Establishing a trusting therapeutic relationship is paramount. The therapist creates a safe and non-judgmental space where clients feel comfortable exploring painful memories and emotions.

  • Exploration: Clients are encouraged to freely associate and discuss their thoughts and feelings. This exploration often leads to the emergence of significant memories and insights.

  • Unearthing the Past: We will work with clients to identify and process the root causes of their distress. This can involve discussing memories, dreams, and recurring themes.

  • Analyzing Patterns: Through ongoing self-reflection, clients begin to recognize recurring patterns in their lives. This awareness is a crucial step toward breaking free from the negative impact of trauma and loss.

  • Integration and Healing: As clients gain insight and understanding, they can integrate their experiences into their sense of self and gradually heal. This may involve forgiveness, self-compassion, and a renewed sense of empowerment.


Therapy is a journey into the depths of your inner self, offering individuals a path to healing and growth. By uncovering and understanding the unconscious processes that underlie their symptoms, clients can transform their lives and move towards a future free from the past.

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